Level I – Dec. 11 – Free Style Mini’s

Mini’s have some distinct characteristics.

  • Must be Ikenobo
  • Must not be flowers stuck in a tiny vase
  • Must fit within 8.5×11 half page vertical or horizontal

These will be mini’s holiday style. Bring your favorite container(s) for creating a variety of miniature designs. Holiday style greens red and white flower choices will be provided. You are encouraged to bring other line materials and even holiday decorations to augment your design.

If you prefer you may bring a container suitable for a centerpiece and make a centerpiece design.

Please bring:

  • At least two mini free style vases from tea cups to ornaments! Or container(s) for a centerpiece and mechanics of your choosing. Wire is essential!
  • Your lunch or a snack.

Please read:

  • An Introductory Free Style Curriculum
  • Joy of Ikebana Ikenobo – pages 2-34
  • More to Learn Free Style
  • Check the Resources page of this website for a list of what to bring to class

We arrive at 11:15 AM, set up for class and make any necessary ginza purchases. The lesson begins at 11: 30 AM and you are generally on your way home by about 3PM. Bring a lunch or snack to enjoy.

There will be a definitive break between the 1st and 2nd arrangements at about 1PM to allow everyone the opportunity to watch the critiques of all the arrangements and everyone the chance to have a snack break.

Please do not take your arrangement apart until all arrangements have been critiqued. If you need to leave before all arrangements have been critiqued, you will not get credit for the lesson. Plan your time accordingly.